Jessi Thursday, May 13, 2010

With only three more weeks until Kennedy's first birthday, I was happy to hear the Fed-ex delivery man knocking at my door last week to deliver this awesome wagon!  After reading all of the consumer reviews we opted for the deluxe Radio Flyer Ultimate Comfort Wagon.  I will be giving a full review once Kennedy opens it up at her birthday party!  It has padded seats, cupholders, a uv canopy and an extra strorage bag to store snacks, diapers and toys.  We are so excited to use it!


Here are some snapshots of Kennedy's nursery. The inspiration for her room was this fabulous "Spa" bedding collection by Glenna Jean which I found on Amazon. I fell in love with the color combination of chocolate, aqua and green and the geometric design was the contemporary flair I was looking for. I couldn't help but purchasing the matching  Spa Musical Mobile. The adorable bears were too cute to pass up!

Once we had the bedding our search for the perfect furniture set began. We finally decided on the Lifestyle Crib made by Baby Italia. We chose the natural finish and loved that the crib converted to a toddler bed and a full size headboard and footboard. Both sets of grandparents chipped in and we were able to buy the beautiful armoire and dresser to match. We couldn't be more pleased with our choice!

While shopping at Burlington Coat Factory I found the perfect canvas painting to hang above the dresser. The colors blended perfectly with my pallete and I thought it was a piece that could grow with Kennedy's room.

The green lamp, circle wall decals, aqua curtain panels and green organizer bins in the closet were all purchased at Target. The Glenna Jean valance was bought from Bed Bath and Beyond. My mother-in-law was able to salavage some of the fabric from the valance and make a cute pillow for our Dutailer glider rocker which were were able to find on Craigslist for $85.

I couldn't pass up these cute stuffed animals made by Ty when I was at Motherhood Maternity so I bought all three to occupy Kennedy's crib until she arrived. Now they are her favorite plush friends - especially the monkey who we named "Mr. Monkey"!

I fell in love with these wall shelves from Pottery Barn Kids but couldn't justify the price tag so I picked up these clear plastic spice racks from Ikea at a fraction of the cost and mounted them behind her door for book storage.

I got the wooden letters above her crib from Michael's and painted them chocolate and aqua to match the decor.